Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama bin Laden: Gone for Good.

This past Sunday, President Obama made a very brief and unexpected statement in an address to the nation. He stated that U.S forces killed Osama bin Laden. Now, news as crazy as this travels like wildfire. Within hours joyful souls were dancing on ground zero in victory.

My sister and I were talking to an acquaintance, ecstatic about the news and eager to discuss it. The woman looked at us blankly and shook her head. "Aren't you just a little curious as to where the body is?" she asked us. "Don't you think it sounds just a little over planned and sketchy?"

"They dumped the body in the ocean because they don't want to portray him as a martyr," I said, as if the fact were clear as day.

The woman scoffed, "And you seriously believe that? I'll tell you what I think," she continued, "I think bin Laden was dead for years. He couldn't possibly live for so long doing dialysis in a cave. By the time America found him he was dead but since Obama needs the publicity votes for his next election, he lied and said his Navy Seals murdered the terrorist. That is why the body won't be shown."

I think about what the woman just told me, "Why would Obama do that?"

"Because news about his birth certificate is going around again and he needs a distraction that will earn him votes," she told me simply.

The longer I ponder over her words, the longer I think she may be telling some truth. I'm not saying that I believe everything she says but I definitely agree that the details are shady and not everything about the story of Osama bin Laden's death makes sense. I think a picture of his dead body would appease all those who still have even the smallest inkling of doubt. I mean, why is his death that different from Saddam Hussein's death? After all, Hussein's execution is publicized on youtube. Why can't we have one picture to satisfy our needs in regards to Osama bin Laden?

article about Osama bin Laden's death- click here