Saturday, February 12, 2011


For some reason people have the misconception that birthdays are supposed to be perfect. That your birthday is the one day a year where everything turns out just the way you want it (like a warped fairytale of some sort).

These people need a reality check because if anything, birthdays are far from perfect. It's all actually pretty ironic.

I find that everything goes wrong on my birthday. I always get the feeling that it is the worst day of the year and that it sucks being whatever age I just turned. Maybe I just think that because I have such high standards for "the perfect day"and ultimately its "perfection"fails. Meaning, if the exact events of that day happened any other day it would be fine but because my birthday is supposed to be perfect those events just ruin it.

Maybe it's my lack of appreciation or maybe I'm just overreacting  but I honestly think that people just want to fantasize and create a perfect day for themselves that never existed and never will exist. Sure the gifts are nice and the "happy birthday"comments are thoughtful (don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of them!), but that doesn't create perfection nor will it ever because perfection is just a fantasy for dreamers.

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