Saturday, February 5, 2011

Everyone loves yellow corvettes???

I never thought much of blogs until recently when my mom suggested I start one. She figured it wouldn't hurt trying to  boost my appearance for the college admissions officers, especially since I love writing. I know this sounds like another cliche "I never thought I'd start a blog" post and I want you to know that it isn't. This post has absolutely nothing to do with my surprise and wonder towards starting a blog and all to do with the title of my blog: Everyone Loves Yellow Corvettes.

Why would I choose that as a title, you ask? Because in my world they do.

I am a Corvette fanatic who hopes and dreams that instead of proposing with a diamond ring, my future fiancée will get down on one knee in front of a new, shiny, slick, yellow Corvette. Yes I know that is totally unrealistic and most probably never going to happen, so in turn I move down to plan B: beg my dad every chance I get to buy me a Corvette for my next birthday. Again, never going to happen. Therefore I move down my list, letter by letter, crossing out each unrealistic idea until I come across plan Z: invent my own yellow Corvette, or at least something with the same name- a.k.a my blog.

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